You are currently viewing Σεμινάριο : 30/03/2016.  Καθ. Παπαπαντολέων & Καθηγητής Πέτρος Μαραγκός

Σεμινάριο : 30/03/2016. Καθ. Παπαπαντολέων & Καθηγητής Πέτρος Μαραγκός

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ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 30/03/2016 18:30–19:30: 
Professor Petros Maragos, School of E.C.E., National Technical University of Athens, GreeceΤίτ λος:“Action and Gesture Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction”Περίληψη: In this talk we will present some advances from our research in the EU project MOBOT which generally aims at the development of an intelligent active mobility assistance robot. We will focus on one of its main goals: to provide multimodal sensory processing capabilities for human action recognition. Specifically, a reliable multimodal information processing and action recognition system needs to be developed, that will detect, analyze and recognize the human user actions based on the captured multimodal sensory signals and with a reasonable level of accuracy and detail for intelligent assistive robotics. One of the main thrusts in the above effort is the development of robust and effective computer vision techniques to achieve the visual processing goals based on multiple cues such as spatiotemporal RGB appearance data as well as depth data from Kinect sensors. Another major challenge is the integration of recognizing specific verbal and gestural commands in the considered human-robot interaction context. In this presentation we summarize advancements in three tasks of the above multimodal processing system for human-robot interaction (HRI): action recognition, gesture recognition and spoken command recognition. More information, related papers and current results can be found in and .

Speaker’s Biosketch:

ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 30/03/2016 17:00–18:00:
Professor Antonis Papapantoleon, Institut für Mathematik, Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin, DeutschlandΤίτλος: «Improved Fréchet-Hoeffding bounds on $d$-copulas and applications in model-free finance»Περίληψη: We consider the problem of finding model-free bounds for prices of multi-asset options (i.e. options on multiple underlyings) in the case when partial information of the assets’ probability distribution is available. We focus on the case in which the one-dimensional marginal distribution of each individual asset is known while also partial information on the dependence structure between the assets is available. This is in the literature often referred to as dependence uncertainty. The problem has been extensively studied in the two-asset case for which solutions were given by Tankov (2011) and Bernard et al. (2012). We extend these results to options that depend on more than two assets. The solution is based on an improvement of the classical Fréchet-Hoeffding bounds that allows for a representation of partial information on the dependence structure. By an extension of the results of Müller and Stoyan (2003) on multivariate stochastic dominance we are able to show that the improved bounds can be interpreted as minimal or maximal distributions with respect to the lower orthant order. The link between the lower orthant order on the set of distribution functions and the prices of multi-asset options is established via a multivariate partial integration formula. Numerical results show that the improved bounds are indeed narrower than the ‘classical’ ones. Speaker’s Biosketch: